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Friday, September 5, 2008

Installing the realtime kernel and the Jack audio daemon

[2011 warning : this pst is pretty much old and probably no longer really accurate]
[2011 update 2 : As far as I know realtime has now been merged into the main Linux kernel, so there's no longer a need to install any special linux-rt package to have it installed on your Ubuntu box]

License of this post.

If you want to make music under Linux, you need a realtime kernel along with jackd and it's user control GUI. Here's how to install them :

In a terminal, enter

sudo apt-get install linux-rt jackd qjackctl

Then reboot your computer. You can now stop the PulseAudio service :

/etc/init.d/pulseaudio stop

and launch qjackctl

qjackctl &

Then go to setup, in parameters, check the Real Time checkbox. Click Ok. You can then click on the Start button to start jackd. Your linux station is now set up to play music.

You may now want to read this post on how to make a song using Seq24, Hydrogen and Zynaddsubfx.

Happy music making !

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