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Sunday, September 7, 2008


License of this post.

I've been looking for a linux sampler, and I found that the linuxsampler package was no longer in the Ubuntu repositories, because this isn't free software. Nevertheless there is the Specimen sample player package. To install it enter in a terminal :

sudo apt-get install specimen

Then run it (assuming jackd is started) with

specimen &

Then you'll have to create a patch using Patch>Add. Name it 'test'. Then click on the "Load Sample" button below the 'Sample' label. If you don't know what to load, just load /usr/share/sounds/login.wav . You can then click on the C5 key of Specimen's virtual keyboard to hear your sample. The default volume is very low, so add volume both to the sample and the master volume. Then if you click on the gray bar just above the B key on the keyboard, you'll activate it (left click sets the lower note, rigth click the upper, middle click the root). Click then on the B key to hear your sample, half a tone lower.

You can now head to and download some samples. Don't forget to set the root note according to the pitch of your sample with a middle-click on the grey bar above the keyboard.

Refer to this post if you want to connect Specimen to Seq24, or this one to do so with Muse.

Happy music making !

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